Advanced Endodontics


How do you “wash away” the eugenol in order to get a good bond when placing a post and composite build-up?

At the conclusion of endodontic treatment, gutta percha residues and eugenol-based sealers may be removed with solvents such as xylol or chloroform. Use a labeled syringe and flood the pulp chamber and the portion of the canal where post placement is planned. Place an appropriately sized cotton pellet into the chamber and vigorously scrub the walls until clean. Carry a smaller sized cotton pellet on a barbed broach into the solvent filled canal and scrub until the solution is clear and the walls are clean. Now use 70% isopropyl alcohol, in the same manner, to remove any residual sealer or gutta percha residues. Research has shown when dentinal walls are cleaned in this manner, a good bond can be achieved.